Category: Hernia Articles

A Historical Retrospective and Physiological Etiology of Inguinal Hernias

Vitruvian Man Had a Hernia The beautifully proportioned drawing illustrates our place in the universe better than Leonardo da Vinci ever knew. By Laura Crothers Around the year 1487, Leonardo da Vinci sketched what would become one of the most famous illustrations in the world. In it, a perfectly drawn circle sits atop a square. Perfectly framed within those shapes,… Read more →


THC Editor’s Note: What makes the following medical journal article about the non-operative treatment of reducible hernia so significant is the extraordinary success rate that Dr. Jay W. Seaver, M.D. had while he was Associate Director of Yale University Gymnasium. He treated many of the athletes and other students at Yale who sustained inguinal hernias with naturopathic treatments and exercises. The… Read more →