by Michael Mooney

A double inguinal hernia surgery I had in July 2002 required me to lie around for about five weeks with no exercise. I figured I’d do whatever I wanted while I couldn’t work out, so I did some of my favorite things. I made fresh whole-fat mozzarella cheese pizza with organic basil and extra virgin oil every day. I ate dark chocolate mousse and whole wheat chocolate chip cookies. What I wanted, I had, and I ended up at 220 pounds, far more than my 5’10” ectomorphic frame can hold well, especially without exercising. I can be ripped at 190 pounds.
After I could begin to diet and exercise again, I had two things to motivate me to get my shit together. First, I booked myself to go to South Beach for Thanksgiving week. South Beach had more well-built, lean, good-looking males and females than anywhere else on the planet that week, so I was determined to get myself together for it. You just gotta be lean when you go to South Beach. Second, I was 48 years old and I have bad genetics, maybe even worse than Dan Duchaine’s. No, I take that back. His were worse than mine. God rest his soul.
The challenge of getting in shape at that age drove me to be disciplined. So I ate a super-low carb/high protein/moderate healthy fat diet and ran home from Gold’s Hollywood, about five miles, four or five times a week. In 10 weeks, I took off 25 pounds of fat. Three years ago, after heel surgery, I fattened up to 220 again and took off 30 pounds in only eight weeks using the same routine. It’s simple, but it works. However, now, at 59 years of age, I’ve suffered some of the joint tissue loss that years of athletics can cause, resulting in aches that limit my ability to do basic fat-burning exercises such as running. Three years ago, I had surgery on my Achilles tendon that stopped me from running and doing aerobics that require footwork, such as boxing. It took two years for my Achilles to finally work its kinks out so it’s pain-free. But over the last year, probably because of the imbalance the Achilles repair caused, I developed knee pains that screwed up even the thought of running.
“So, Mike, just get on one of the “make-it-easy” machines in Gold’s,” you say? Well, I’m sorry, but really, I hate running on a plastic machine in a gym. I need outdoor air and miles of real-world turf to turn me on. Lights changing from yellow to red make me run faster to get to the other side. People on the sidewalk make me run faster around them. I’m a big dog—I just love to run.
So this brings me to one of the most groundbreaking discoveries I’ve ever made. It’s now possible to grow new cartilage in places such as the knees so people don’t need to get knee replacements. I repeat: It’s now possible to grow new cartilage, ligaments, and even discs.
New Knees with Prolozone Therapy
An Einstein of a functional medical doctor named Frank Shallenberger reasoned that tissues such as cartilage, ligaments, tendons, and discs don’t heal well because they lack vascularity, a blood supply that muscles and other tissues, such as livers and skin have. But what magical growth factor does blood deliver? It’s oxygen.
“It’s now possible to grow new cartilage in places such as the knees so people don’t need to get knee replacements.” – Michael Mooney
With oxygen present, growth factors have fuel to blast out new tissue. So, what Dr. Shallenberger did was take an old, somewhat useful therapy called prolotherapy (which is the injection of an irritant, such as dextrose, into an area where cartilage or ligaments are damaged to stimulate the formation of scar tissue) and add ozone to it, along with a few nutrients that aid growth, such as vitamin B12 and hyaluronic acid. Ozone is O3. We are breathing O2. When ozone is injected into damaged cartilage, ligaments, or even discs, the third O is naturally liberated. Having that extra “O” in the damaged area sparks a cascade of cytokines and proteins that stimulates soft tissue regrowth like crazy. Suddenly, the missing link—the “O”—turns on our body’s tissue-generating mechanisms.
Just think of all the money that can be saved not having to have knee replacements! I’ve had it done to both knees and can report that not only are they pain-free and fully functional but my knee doctor confirmed that MRIs show what appears to be new cartilage in the area that was injected. So, yesterday I trudged my way up the steepest several-mile trail in Runyon Canyon here in LA! I love to let the big dog run, and so can you!
You can find a doctor who performs Prolozone Therapy by going to