STRESS & NUTRITION: Crucial Info For Successful Hernia Remediation

Note from the Coach: The following quote says it all: _________________________________________________________________________________ “When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot become manifest, strength cannot be exerted, wealth is useless, and reason is powerless.” ~ Herophilus _________________________________________________________________________________ Which is why the following article is one of the most important ever posted on this website. Take heed, if you truly wish… Read more →

STRESS & ANXIETY: Must Be Properly Processed When Healing An Inguinal Hernia

Note from the Coach: There is perhaps no greater challenge for those who have experienced an inguinal hernia than positively managing the stress that occurs along with this formidable injury. The anxiety, which almost always accompanies a hernia, can be debilitating for many. Luckily there are many natural remedies for anxiety, such as hemp hydrate water. However, it does not… Read more →

SURGICAL REPAIR for Inguinal Hernia: A Physician Recommendation

Note from the Coach: Some folks out there with inguinal hernias have asked the Coach for a physician referral for surgical repair. Although we have never received feedback about the following surgeon from Las Vegas, Nevada, Dr. Kevin Petersen, the founder of No Insurance Surgery, Inc., appears to be a uniquely qualified specialist in the area of surgical repair for… Read more →

Beet Borscht: A Natural Way to Cleanse a Congested Liver

Why it’s so important to maintain good liver and gallbladder health Robert Harrington Natural Society The liver is the major detoxification organ of the body. In light of the unprecedented amount of chemical toxicity which now permeates the food supply and water sources, the average American liver is quite burdened and imbalanced. Often times, the liver will become so congested… Read more →

Exercises For An Umbilical Hernia

An umbilical hernia is caused by excess pressure at the abdomen, specifically near your navel. Excess pressure causes your intestines to bulge through a weakened abdominal wall, causing swelling and pain. Heavy lifting, excessive coughing, obesity and multiple pregnancies are possible causes of umbilical hernia, according to You can use exercise to treat umbilical hernias, although some cases may… Read more →

Gallbladder Flush & Liver Cleanse

LIVER CLEANSE & GALLBLADDER FLUSH This protocol was originally published in A CURE FOR ALL DISEASES by Dr. Hulda Clark. Ingredients: Epsom Salts:  2 Tablespoons Fresh Organic White Grapefruit 1 to 3 – enough to squeeze 1/2 to 3/4 cup juice (Use organic pink grapefruit if white is not available, or fresh organic lemon) Olive oil 1/2 cup (light olive… Read more →

What Doctors Don’t Tell You: Hernia – A Stitch In Time

by Clive Couldwell Many doctors used outmoded types of surgery for hernias, hand over this complicated operation to inexperienced juniors or experiment with new, untried techniques. The statistics are worrying. It’s four times more dangerous to have a hernia operation than to go without one if you’re over 65, according to the Harvard School of Public Health (New Eng J… Read more →

An Occupational Therapist Addresses Incisional Hernias That Result From Surgery

Healing from Hernia Contributing Author: Rubin, Josh O.T. Joshua Rubin graduated from American International College with a B.S. in Occupational Therapy. After working with the geriatric population for many years, he decided to take his career to the next level. By incorporating corrective exercise, nutrition and lifestyle coaching with his rehabilitation background, he began working with individuals of all ages… Read more →

Important Advice For The Weekend Warriors and Aspiring Olympians: STRETCH & WARM UP Properly

Hernia Prevention and Hernia Treatment Learn the causes behind Hernia, plus the different Types and the Anatomy Involved. by StretchCoach Hernia is a general term referring to a condition which can appear in various parts of the body. The most common hernias develop somewhere in the abdomen. They are caused by a weakness in the abdominal wall which allows a… Read more →

What’s The Best Way To Cleanse The Lymphatic System?

The Health Coach Among all the various exercises and massages, detoxification protocols and healing modalities, New Age therapies and integrative techniques, there is none so effective at thoroughly cleansing the lymphatic system as a vigorous 20 to 30 minute walk … especially when performed in nature. There are some very important qualifications for those who intend to do it right.… Read more →