How to do a castor oil pack

THERAPIES: CASTOR OIL PACKS How to Make a Castor Oil Pack An instructional video on how to make a castor oil pack based on the health readings given for the pack by the “father of holistic medicine” Edgar Cayce. DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS CASTOR OIL PACKS Castor Oil was recommended by Edgar Cayce for treating many ailments that resist traditional therapies. It… Read more →

VATA IMBALANCE: Common Ayurvedic Condition Present With Hernias

Vata-Pacifying Diet Banyan Botanicals If you’ve been told you should focus on balancing vata (by our Ayurvedic Profile™ quiz or by a practitioner) one of the best things you can do is incorporate vata-pacifying foods into your diet. Vata is balanced by a diet of freshly cooked, whole foods that are soft or mushy in texture, rich in protein and fat, seasoned… Read more →

Castor Oil Pack Protocol

Edgar Cayce on Castor Oil ELAINE HRUSKA Edgar Cayce Health Care The Edgar Cayce Health Care readings inform us that Castor Oil Packs may to be used to improve assimilation, elimination and circulation; especially of the lymphatic system. Cayce also mentioned physiological effects on the body such as: Stimulation to the Liver, dissolve and remove Lesions & Adhesions, relieve Pain,… Read more →

LUNATION CYCLE ASTROLOGY: A Powerful Tool on the Healing Journey

Coach’s Note: Because the development of hernias (all types) have such a large emotional component, we are posting the following article from our general health coaching website—The Health Coach. Every hernia sufferer is highly encouraged to consider this powerful tool in the conduct of their holistic hernia remediation program. Who among us has not identified the very real emotional causes… Read more →

Lower Belly Exercises While Sitting Down

by Anton Reid Your lower belly, also called your lower abdominal, is comprised of muscles that assist in protecting delicate organs, while providing propulsion and stability. These muscles are attached to your pelvis and help keep your upper and lower body stable while stationary or moving. Your lower belly is sensitive to contractions and can be strengthened through simple… Read more →

What every woman ought to know before surgery using gynecological mesh

Gynecological mesh: The medical device that has 100,000 women suing A common surgical implant has generated the largest multi-district litigation since asbestos. 60 Minutes reports on one of the device’s manufacturers, Boston Scientific, now facing 48,000 lawsuits by Scott Pelley CBS 60 Minutes   There is tremendous controversy about a surgical device implanted in more than two million American women.… Read more →

How To Get Enough Protein Without Eating Meat

What is that “Something’s Missing” Feeling Really Telling You? by Michael King The subject of “getting enough protein” is probably the most over-rated piece of misinformation put out by the American Medical Association and the meat & dairy industries. Many health foodists, vegetarians & omnivores alike, have mistakenly attributed that “low energy feeling” to a low protein sign. However, if… Read more →

BLOATING & GAS PRODUCTION: What every hernia sufferer need to know about methanogens

Methanogens: The Bloating Root Cause You Haven’t Heard of (and a New Solution for SIBO) by STEVEN WRIGHT Bloating… that enormous feeling of pressure like someone just blew up your abdomen with an air pump… and now your pants have shrunk two sizes. Or maybe it’s that feeling of fullness like you’re dragging around an extra tire everywhere you… Read more →