Homeopathy Remedies for this Deases
1 Calcarea Carb
Head remedy with which treatment should be started.
It will cure great majority of cases.
In Hernia where walls of Abdomen are thin and truss cannot be worn.
2 Lycopodium
Hernia of right side.
Give in 1000 potency every fortnight.
Strangulated hernia.
Distension of abdomen with rumblingof gas.
3 Nux Vomica
Hernia of left side.
Give in 1000 potency every fortnight.
It also cures right side hernia when Lycopodium fails.
4 Cocculus
Give in 30 potency when Lycopodium and Nuxvomica fails.
5 Aurum Met
Inguinal hernia in children if the above remedies fail.
6 Lachesis
Hernia Strangulated.
7 Plumbum
Strangulated hernia whether femoral, inguinal or umbilical.
8 Staphisagria
Hernia of bladder.
9 Silicia
Inflammation and swelling of inguinal glands.
Painful to touch.
Painful inguinal hernia.
10 Aesculus Hippocastanum
Inguinal hernia.
Cutting in right inguinal region.